“And the Angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, and said to him, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valour!” (Judges 6:12) If we accept every divine pronouncement to be the truth, then the reality of Gideon’s circumstances could not have been further from the truth. This is evident if one reads the background and context to Judges 6. The budding nation of Israel was suffering from a leadership vacuum, once-vanquished enemies were now riding roughshod over the Israelites. Gideon himself was so afraid of these enemies that he was tip-toeing around with his daily chores. Besides, the man was also struggling with an acute lack of self-esteem - the smallest, the youngest, the weakest etc. So much for being a mighty man of valour! If God had a grand plan to resurrect the nation, giving a guy like Gideon the top job was hardly a confidence-inspiring move. Yet, it turned out to be the salvation of the individual and nation. TOO SOBER TO CATCH A GLIMPSE OF A HEAVENLY VISION?THE FUTURE IS THE REAL THINGGod’s perspective of Gideon shows us that the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David and Elijah (to name but a few) deals with His people not on the basis of their past or present but their future. He may mention past mistakes but He has always called us and urged us on due to the future potential that He has planted in us. GOD SHOWS THE BIG PICTURE BUT OMITS THE MICRO STUFFThe next time someone tells you to take a good look at yourself, remember to look into God’s mirror. What you see there is simply the way God sees and knows us - even if His truth is stranger than fiction. |
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