Benaiah Naresh Word Outreach is an indigenous Christian ministry based in South East Asia.

Believing the call to disciple nations as the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, Benaiah Naresh founded this ministry as his personal response to that call.

He has been involved in pastoral and itinerant ministry since 1993 and has ministered in various ministries, churches, camp and public meetings in Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and Singapore.

Having graduated with a Masters Degree in Theology and an Honours Degree in Financial Accounting, Pastor Naresh's ministry combines pastoral experience with secular exposure gained at leading Malaysian corporate institutions. To further incorporate theology with the needs of urban and professional Christians, he is concurrently completing his thesis for an MBA (Finance) and Ph.D. (Theology).

Pastor Naresh ministers fluently in English and Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia and has a burden to inspire people to stand in the whole counsel of God and sound doctrine. Open to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Naresh's exercises a teaching ministry with a prophetic edge. He is also the author of "Speak, Lord, for Your Servant hears" a Biblical and practical guide to hearing the voice of God.
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Pastor Naresh is an Associate Member of the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) of Malaysia
Pastor Naresh has been married to Camille for the last five years and they live in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

As an assistant marriage registrar recognised by the Malaysian authorities, Pastor Naresh often counsels couples preparing to take nuptial vows. - December 1999
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